01/13/2025 - Our current average order processing time is 2-3 days. Only Next Day, 2nd Day, and Express shipping methods are exempt from our average processing time. If you need an order by a particular date, we recommend selecting the Next Day, 2nd Day, or Express shipping options.
Transit times can vary depending on which shipping option you chose for your order. Please note that all delivery times are estimates and can vary depending on the destination and the postal service. Orders are typically shipped within 72 hours of the order being placed.
Express* and Next Day orders placed before noon Pacific Time are shipped same-day, orders placed after this time may not ship until the following business day.
All timeframes below are transit times, beginning once the order is picked up by the shipping courier. Orders are picked up from our location every business day (Monday – Friday), however, we do not have pickups on weekends or holidays.
Please keep this in mind and pick your shipping speed accordingly. If you have any questions about shipping speeds, please feel free to contact our customer support team.
USPS Ground Advantage: 1-5 business days
USPS Priority: 2-3 business days
USPS Priority Express: 1-2 business days
UPS Ground: 7-14 business days
UPS 2nd Day: Two business days (orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will ship on the next business day, for delivery within the next two business days).