
All shipments to Brazil must include the recipient's Tax Identification (ID) number, also known as CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas) for individuals or CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) for businesses. This information can be included in the “company” line of the shipping address. Contact your local customs office or our Customer Support team if you have additional questions.  

Example of CPF for an individual (without a company name): CPF: 123.456.789-12 (include the “CPF” prefix for clarity).  

Example of CNJP for a business (with company name): 123.456.789/1011-12 – COMPANY NAME (include the actual business/company name after a dash behind the CNPJ). 



All shipments to Mexico must include the recipient's Tax Identification (ID) number, also known as RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) for individuals and businesses. This information can be included in the “company” line of the shipping address. Contact your local customs office or our Customer Support team if you have additional questions.  

Example of RFC for an individual: RFC: 1234-567890-123 (include the “RFC” prefix for clarity).  

Example of RFC for a business (with company name): RFC: 123-456789-123 – COMPANY NAME (include the “RFC” prefix for clarity).  

Other Countries

We do not currently require any customers in other countries to provide a Tax ID number. As shipping requirements change internationally, we will continue to adapt to these requirements.